Insurance Brokers Australia is a leading professional insurance broking network. We have a dedicated division of our business where we grow our network broking partners and assist them as they grow their businesses. We link to many strategic partners throughout Australia, with reach throughout the globe, such as:

  • Steadfast- providing you with all the strengths and benefits that come with this significant group. From placing business to governance to discounts and benefits.
  • NIBA- we are members of the peak insurance broking professional group in Australia.
  • Australia Insurers- we have strong links to all Australian insurers and in some cases bespoke corporate links providing us with avenues not available to other brokers.
  • Australian Underwriting Agencies- we deal with as many agencies as required by our brokers and our network. This gives us breadth where other groups can’t. W

Your Flexible and Supportive Network

The Authorised Representative networks are often restrictive and inflexible to a broker just wanting to get on with growing their business. Are you restricted in where you place your business? If you find a new underwriting agency, can you bind policies with them straight away? Is your current network fully transparent with fees, ‘over-rides’ and bonuses they're receiving from your business? What support is there when you don't have time to process your business? Insurance Brokers Australia treats their Network Brokers as part of their complete TEAM and look to partner with them to grow their AR business.

What we offer you?

Your Reach

We are open to all insurance partners and as such we don't have restrictions on who you place your business with. If IBA isn’t currently a partner with a particular insurer, then we're happy to make the connection to help you grow your business.

Your Support

We offer brokers a flexible solution whereby we can process your risks. This allows you to concentrate on building your business, meeting with your clients and adding value to your business. We can facilitate the back-end processing component to remove the need for additional staff.

Your Network

We are a Steadfast member broker, giving you full access to the entire Steadfast network, products and benefits. We also have strong connections to global markets, providing additional avenues to place business when competing for business.

For a confidential conversation, please send an email to ARNetwork@IBAcorp.com.au or call our office and speak to our Network Broker manager.