Motor/Motor Fleet

You can report your new motor claim to us on-line, by email, or phone.

 Report Your Claim Online

Tel : 1300 674 771
Email :

Download Claim Form

Documentation & Guidance

This will assist you in progressing your claim and offer general advice and guidance relating to motor/fleet claims. In order to progress efficiently it is important that as much information is provided to us as quickly as possible.

  1. Claim Form – Please complete this with as much information as possible
  2. Detailed description and sketch plan and / or witness statements and addresses – where available please
  3. Third Party Details
  4. Photos or Videos –these are really useful
  5. Repair Estimate –repair details as soon as you can
  6. Third Party Letter of Claim – this must be sent to IBA immediately, as your insurers acknowledgement must be sent to the claimant
  7. Legal Papers – All correspondence including writs, summons etc should be forwarded, unanswered, to IBA immediately upon receipt
  8. Any Questions – If you are in doubt about anything, please call.